It has been a great week :) So much has happened!!!!
First: It was Hna. Stratford's birthday on Tuesday and was also her year mark, so we got to go to the TEMPLE!!! It was awesome! Such a wonderful blessing to be in the House of the Lord and feel His spirit so strongly there! The best part though was that John Bowman came and did baptisms with Mark Orchard as we did a session! It was John's first time at the temple! What a blessing and treat to have been able to be there with him on that special day! Christine took us to CPK after to celebrate! Oh yum! They don't have CPK in Fort Collins! Messed up right? So that was awesome!
Also, Tuesday morning we woke up at 5:00am and kidnapped some other Sisters in our Zone who had the same bday as hna. Stratford. We took them to get donuts! It was really fun :)
Thank you so much for your letters Mom and Lennon!!! They made my day :) I love getting letters! And thanks for sending me Geoff's talk mom! It was AMAZING!!!!
So some funny things...
Our ward had a Jell-o Cook-off. Hna. Stratford and i decided we wanted to participate and bring something! So John helped us make the jello and then we left for some appointments we had and ran back to their house right before to pick up the jello and bring it. We thought it would be funny to have our name tags floating inside the jell-o so everyone would know it was ours. haha! we made it in a bunt cake pan and when we went to flip it over, it completely fell apart! Epic Fail. It was hilarious and it tasted nasty! haha! Oh well it was fun :)
We also had an Emergency Preparedness activity at the church and Christine needed my help to be in her play that she wrote... I wasn't too excited (you know me and being in front of people), but it was pretty fun! We were the”not so prepared family” and the Cornwall's were the prepared family! It was great!!
We had dinner with Cory Turners parents last night and it was awesome! They are such AMAZING people!!! We are all predicting that he will be the Fort Collins Temple President!
We had a great lesson with Carlos this week. His wife is suuuuuper sick! She does not believe in our teachings, but she was in so much pain that she told Carlos that we could call someone to give her a blessing! That is huge!!! So we called Bro. Morgan, our ward mission leader, and he and Carlos gave her a blessing together! It was so special! Carlos has never given anyone a blessing since he has been baptized. It was a neat experience for him and I think for his wife too! I hope she gets feeling better!!
This week we had an awesome lesson with Patty! We went over to her apartment and she told us that every night she and Daniel FaceTime each other and they pray together!!! How cool is that! These are 2 people who had never said a prayer before and now they are praying together over FaceTime! The church is true, dang it! Haha! But, we decided that Patty would do better going to the singles ward... this was a hard decision because (selfishly) we wanted to keep teaching her because we love her so much! But we did the right thing. We took her to the YSA ward on Sunday and had her meet the missionaries there. She brought 3 friends with her and Enya came too! So there were 5 beautiful Taiwanese girls at church yesterday! It was awesome! And then we had a pass-over lesson with the YSA Sisters last night with Patty. Daniel was on FaceTime and chatted with us during the whole lesson! It was so awesome! They are incredibly smart and really FEEL it and try to understand everything They each said a prayer during the lesson and they were so amazing and so sincere! A good reminder of what a sincere prayer is all about! I love them! Even though we can't teach Patty anymore we will still visit her and be great friends! :)
So as you can tell it was an amazing week! Things are going well! Transfers are this weekend... We are really hoping that we get to stay together for another transfer! I love Fort Collins :)
I have read/listened to 2 amazing talks this week! The first was... "His Grace is Sufficient" by Brad Wilcox and the second was "Healing the Wounded Soul" by Jack Christensen. I want you guys to read His Grace is Sufficient this week and listen to Healing the Wounded Soul. (you can't read that one) they are amazing! So do that for FHE tonight! Ok!!?? The Atonement is simply amazing and the greatest gift we have! We just need to use it!
love, Hna. Mangum Sr.